You’re cordially invited!

Woman’s Best Friend ” Exhibition & Opening!

75 extraordinary women and their dogs Digital and Printed portraits featured at our Lockhart Studio.

ONE NIGHT ONLY: March 7th, 5:00pm-8:30pm

See FAQ’s below:

Frequently asked…

The exhibition and opening celebration will be held at Jennifer Lindberg Studio on March 7th, from 5:00pm to 8:30pm. Our Studio is in Lockhart, close to Austin and not far from San Antonio. Our physical address is: 103 E. San Antonio Street, Lockhart, Texas, 78644. This is also Lockhart’s “First Friday” so it’s a perfect time to visit Lockhart’s other art galleries, shops and restaurants. Parking is free and on the street, though it may be busier than usual.

Due to the extensive preparation required, we won’t be able to preview which images will be featured, but if you were included, this means that your portrait earned its place for its unique impact! This exhibition, curated by our team, showcases the depth and authenticity of the woman-canine bond. Each portrait—whether of dogs alone, with their guardians, or with children—was chosen to capture strength, power, and emotional connection. While some selections may be familiar favorites, others represent our curators’ vision of these powerful relationships. We invite you to come celebrate “Woman’s Best Friend” and your exclusive inclusion in this one-evening only event.

The exhibition is a one-night-only event, though select pieces may remain on permanent display at our Studio. We’ll capture photos and videos to share on social media for those unable to attend.

Love your piece? All printed artwork will be available for purchase, with pickup after the show (8:30-9pm) or by appointment on Feb 24th.

All included participants were notified by text on February 4th. If you were not notified, it means that your portrait was not able to be included in this particular show.

Due to liability concerns and potential dog reactivity issues, this exhibition is a humans-only event. While we adore our canine companions, we ask that you leave your pups at home for this evening. Friends and family? The more the merrier! We’ll have drinks and it will definitely be a special evening.

No dress code – come exactly as you are! Whether in heels or sneakers, we’re celebrating real women and their dogs.

Please reach out to us here: and we’ll reply ASAP. You can also text 512.861.8899 for the fastest reply.